SOCO Church is a church in Bentonville, Arkansas, that launched in January of 2018. Since our first service, we have been portable–that means we load all of our gear into and out of an event venue every weekend. Since before we launched, our pastors have had a dream of having a permanent home that can serve as a beacon of hope to our community seven days a week. Brick by Brick is our campaign to turn this dream into a reality. To learn more about where we have been as a church and where we believe God is taking us, simply scroll through this page. Would you pray about investing, not only in the future home of SOCO, but in the kingdom as a whole?
When we launched SOCO in 2018, our mission was, and still is, to “point souls to Christ through live-giving community”. Over the past four years, we have witnessed people experience life change, put their faith in Jesus, live out their purpose, and pour into our local community. Many people call SOCO “HOME” because of the people and mission they encounter, but SOCO doesn’t have a place to call “HOME”. We have met in hotel conference rooms, event venues, and movie theaters, we have leased office and classroom space, and we have placed our equipment in random storage facilities. While people call SOCO “HOME”, oftentimes we have felt like orphans in our own city as a portable church. That all changes today. Today, we get to celebrate all that God has done and look forward with anticipation to what God will do in a facility that we can actually call “HOME”. We believe that we’ve only scratched the surface to what God wants to do in Northwest Arkansas through SOCO Church – the many more people that will give their lives to Christ, find a home at SOCO Church, and recognize our facility as a resource to our community. Thank you for calling SOCO “HOME”. Thank you for supporting the vision of our house. And, thank you in advance for investing in the future home of SOCO Church.


1. Pray Continually
Commit to pray that the MEANS of this project will be provided, that the MISSION of SOCO would move forward, and that our MOTIVE stays rooted in the heart of God.
2. Tithe Regularly
Commit to follow the Biblical principle of the tithe by giving your first 10% back to Him. This allows SOCO to continue changing lives while we plan for all that is to come.
3. Give Generously
Commit to invest in the HOME of SOCO by giving above your tithe as God leads you.
*select "brick by brick" from the drop down menu

THE LAND - We signed a contract on 5.3 acres of prime real estate in Bentonville, which will be the site of our future home

You’re no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country...God is building a home...He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he’s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home.
Ephesians 2:19-22